Project Results

PR1: Online Course

Online Course – “Educational strategies for ADHD learners based on Neuropedagogy” developed on Moodle structure specifically targeting educators, facilitators, and volunteers working with adults suffering from ADHD.

BFF: Webinars

Webinars dedicated to adult educators and adult education centres, with the purpose to become more inclusive, digitalised and sustainable.

BFF Webinar 1: Neuropedagogy concepts and their appliance and benefits in adult education

BFF Webinar 3: Lifelong learning, preparation for the labour market and ongoing changes

BFF Webinar 5: Digitalization and environmental awareness in educational centers

BFF Webinar 2: How to create inclusive educational activities and courses

BFF Webinar 4: How to understand learning difficulties, such as ADHD

PR2: Handbook

Handbook of Brain-Friendly Activities representing the practical part, which adult educators can directly implement with their learners. The activities of the Handbook will be created on the basics of neuropedagogy and each activity will be designed in order to help adult learners, coping with learning difficulties such as ADHD to better focus and acquire knowledge, skills and competencies needed to continue lifelong learning and to better integrate into the labour market.


Good practices from the partners’ countries on the topic of methods to work and teach adults facing ADHD.